Cold Weather Products Catalog

Chromalox Cold Weather Products1
Table of Contents2
Industrial Air & Radiant Heaters4
Industrial Unit Heaters & Accessories4
HVH - Horizontal or Vertial Discharge Fan Forced Unit Heater4
LUH - Horizontal Blower Heater10
UB - High Capacity Horizontal Blower Heater14
DRA - Portable Spot Industrial Salamander Blower Heater19
HF - Portable Blower Heater21
HCH - Wall Mounted Convention Heater22
EH & HVT - Industrial Convention Heater25
H - Horizontal Convention Heater26
V - Vertical Convention Heater27
Hazardous Location and Corrosive Environment Heaters and Accessories28
CXH-A - Explosion Proof Blower Heater for Hazardous Locations28
CVEP - Explosion Proof Convection Heater35
HD3D - Hose Down Corrosion Resistant Blower Heater38
Duct Heaters41
DH - UL Listed Open Coil & Fintubular Air Duct Heaters41
Infrared Radiant Heaters44
ChromaStar™ Infra-Red Radiant Heaters44
ChromaStar™ Accessories48
Flexible Heaters50
Fiberglass Insulated Heaters50
PHD &, PHDT - Heavy Duty Fiberglass® Woven Drum Heaters50
IBG - Flexible Thermal Drum Insulation Blanket51
Silicone Laminated Heaters52
SL - Silicone Rubber Insulated Flexible Heater52
SL-N - Silicone Rubber Insulated General Purpose Heater53
SL-B - Silicone Rubber Insulated Enclosure & Air Heater54
SLDH - Silicone Rubber Insulated Drum Heater55
WR - Wall Mounted Room Thermostats57
EPETD-8D - Explosion Proof Room Thermostat58
WCRT - Corrosion Resistant Wall Mounted Industrial Room Thermostat59
WT - Wall Mounted Residential & Commercial Room Thermostat60
Heat Tracing Products61
Industrial Grade Cables & Control Systems62
Application & Selection Guidelines63
SRL - Self-Regulating Low Temperature68
SRP - Self-Regulating Process Temperatures71
SRM/E - Self-Regulating Medium Temperature74
HSRL - Self-Regulating Low Temperature77
HSRM - Self-Regulating Medium Temperature80
SLL - Series Long Line Cable83
CWM - Constant Wattage Medium Temperature86
MI - Mineral Insulated High Temperature89
U Series Heat Trace Connection Kits/Accessories95
DL - Integrated Connection Accessories104
EL - Standard Connection Accessories108
HL - Hazardous Location Connection Kits110
DL - Integrated Temperature Controls114
THR, THL, TXR & TXL - Heat Trace/Freeze Protection Thermostats117
B100 & E100 - Heat Trace/Freeze Protection Thermostats119
RBF - Heat Trace or Pipe Sensor121
GIC-AMB - Ambient Heat Trace Sensor122
RBF-HT - RTD Heat Trace Sensors123
DTS Series - Heat Trace Digital Thermostat124
IntelliTrace ITC1 & ITC2 - Digital Heat Trace Controller 1 & 2 Circuit126
IntelliTrace Ambient Sensing ITAS Base Panel ITAS-EXT Extender Panel129
IntelliTrace Line Sensing ITLS Base Panel ITLS-EXT Extender Panel129
IntelliTrace Ambient Sensing ITASC1D2 Base Panel ITASC1D2-EXT Extender Panel135
IntelliTrace Line Sensing ITLSC1D2 Base Panel ITLSC1D2-EXT Extender Panel135
IntelliTrace - Wireless Temperature Sensing Solutions141
IntelliTrace RSP - Remote Sensor Panel144
WeatherTrace - Freeze Protection Heat Trace Panels147
Technical Information158
Heat Transfer Fundamentals & Thermodynamic Properties158
Determining Heat Energy Requirements159
General Industrial Sizing Guide161
Typical Outside Design Temperatures for the United States162
Radiant Infrared Heating - Comfort Heating167
Watt Density for Typical Applications vs Temperature Rise168
90° Symmetrical Reflector Table for Single Element RBC-1169
90° Symmetrical Reflectors for 2 & 3 Element High-Intensity Infrared Heaters170
60° Symmetrical Reflectors for 2 & 3 Element High-Intensity Infrared Heaters171
30° Symmetrical Reflectors for 2 & 3 Element High-Intensity Infrared Heaters172
60° Asymmetrical Reflectors for 2 & 3 Element High-Intensity Infrared Heaters173
Determining Heat Energy Requirements174
Properties of Steam176
Electrical Fundamentals & Three Phase Calculations177
Three Phase Equations & Heater Wiring Diagrams178
Wiring Practices for Electric Heaters179
Pressure-Temperature Ratings of Common Flange Materials181
Physical & Thermodynamic Properties of Common Liquids182
Physical & Thermodynamic Properties of Common Solids183
Equivalents & Conversions185
Engineering Constants & Conversions186
NEMA Enclosures & Chromalox Equivalents187
NEMA Enclosures & Hazardous Location Heaters188
Hazardous Locations & Electric Heater Applications189
General Information192
Trademark Registration Acknowledgements192

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